I Hate You...I Think Read online

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"Other than dinner?"

  He smirked his eyes glinting mischievously. "I promise. You won't forget this night."

  Chapter Fifteen

  The meeting with Lily didn't last long. Angie was a horrible lady. I only say that because she criticized everything Oliver said. She gave him hell about his job, his life and even me. We only really got to meet Lily for a few moments before Angie started in on Oliver and told Lily go clean her room. Though from what I seen Lily loved her brother dearly. When she first set eyes on him she squealed and attacked him almost knocking him off the couch.


  I laughed lightly as she clung to him for dear life. Angie frowned disapprovingly.

  "Hey Lily," Oliver smiled holding her tight to his chest. "I missed you."

  "I missed you too," she grinned.

  "This is my best friend, Ever," he told her pointing at me.

  She waved and smiled shyly. "Olibear, am I your bestest friend too?" she questioned looking up at him curiously.

  "Always," he promised.

  "Lily, you need to put up the rest of your toys?" Angie butted in her lips pursed.

  "But, Momma-"

  "1," Angie started. Lily's eyes got big; she gave Oliver a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off down the hall.

  Angie turned to Oliver and I with patronizing eyes. "She does not know any other father than Tom and I intent to keep it that way."

  "When she gets older she's going to ask questions. Like for instance where her best friend went," Oliver glared pursing his lips into a hard line. I took his hand and squeezed it.

  "She won't remember you."

  "Yes, she will," Oliver insisted.

  "I can make it where you never see her, Oliver. I think it's just best if you keep your distance. She has a good life and a good home. She doesn't need to be caught up in the bad things you do."

  "He doesn't do bad things," I defended. "He is the sweetest caring person there is, and she is his sister."

  Angie turned her gaze to me annoyed. "This does not concern you. Why you would bring her here is just absurd."

  What does she think I am? A prostitute? Really?!

  Oliver stood pulling me with him. "I will be seeing Lily. I promise you that."

  "Olibear?" Lily said softly from the hall doorway.

  "Lily, I tho-"

  Lily threw herself at Oliver's leg. "I love you."

  Oliver lifted her up and hugged her. "Love you too Lily."

  After that we were all but shoved out of the house.

  Oliver and I were now headed...somewhere. He wouldn't tell me anything only that it was a surprise. I hated surprises...or at least the anticipation leading up to them.

  We were walking down the main street area. The streets were crowded and noisy.

  "Why does Lily call you, Olibear?"

  Oliver grinned. "When she was younger I use to growl and tickle her and would tell her I was a hungry bear going to eat her," he laughed a sweet smile on his face.

  "After that she started calling me, Olibear," he shrugged looking down at me. I smiled. I had never seen him so, I don't know, sweet.

  "What's with that look?" he laughed.

  "What look?"

  "The one young teenage girls give Justin Bieber before they scream and rip his clothes off," he gave a cheeky grin that was very adorable but I blushed regardless.

  "I was just thinking you'd make a good dad one day," I muttered looking down and kicking at an imaginary rock. I glanced up at him to see him looking away embarrassed.

  “Come on,” Oliver said tugging on my hand quickly. I looked up at him fully in confusion as we turned down an alley going to a quieter street.

  Apartment buildings loomed over us. He stopped looking up at one in particular. It was made of brick and crumbling. A large sign saying condemned hung over the front doors. I stared at it a moment. Where had I seen this building before?

  “I take it by the look on your face you remember the building from the picture?” Oliver muttered. That’s when it clicked. This was the building that had been in the background behind Oliver and his dad in the picture back at the warehouse.

  “So you lived here?” I asked.

  “Yeah, it was a piece of crap then too. Glad they finally shut the place down.”

  Oliver scratched his chin. “Wanna go inside?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked him shocked. “Did you not just say it’s a piece of crap? It looks like a death trap to me.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. I got somewhere else to take you that’s better anyways I just wanted to see if this place was still here.”

  Oliver grabbed my hand and we headed farther down the street.

  “I grew up not far from here,” I told him kicking a can that was on the sidewalk.

  “Really?” he asked looking back at me.

  “Yeah, right around the corner actually,” I laughed. “It’s crazy how we lived so close and never seemed to have met before.”

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “What was your dad like?”

  The question threw me off guard. “Oh...umm.”

  “You don’t have to tell me,” Oliver shrugged.

  “No, I want to,” I smiled squeezing his hand.

  “He was great. He died when I was little but I still remember a lot about him. He took me everywhere. We did everything together. Miss him a lot."

  Oliver let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my waist. He pulled me close to his side and kissed my head. I couldn't help but grin.

  "What was it like after your dad passed away with your mom?"

  "Horrible..." I frowned.

  "She would up and leave for days at a time. Mostly to sleep with men. I never had food in the house so I always went to Kimmy's. Her parents were strict though so she would sneak food to me."

  "She would just leave you to fend for yourself?" Oliver scowled.

  "Yeah, she drank a lot to. The only reason her and dad got together was cause dad got drunk at a party on night when they were at some Christmas party together. Mom ended up pregnant and dad wanted to be a part of my life. So they got married," I shrugged.

  "So romantic..." Oliver chuckled.

  "Yep. Though he didn't know she was already well on her way to being an alcoholic. He had to watch her constantly so she wouldn't drink while she was pregnant, or smoke. She won't win any mother of the year awards that's for sure."

  "I'm sorry Bun," Oliver told me squeezing my side gently. We were still walking down an almost empty sidewalk but the buildings were getting nicer.

  "Eh," I waved my hand.

  "So your dad was mean to you growing up. He beat you a lot?" I frowned thinking about Oliver getting hurt.

  "Yeah, for as long as I could remember. For anything really too. He always had people in an out too because he was dealing drugs from our apartment. When I was 14 a guy came in and told my dad that I could get into street fighting and make extra money. My dad was all for that. More money, more drugs."

  "That's awful!"

  Oliver shrugged. "I'm glad Weasley showed up. I got into street fighting. Got my ass kicked quite a lot at first. Weasley started training me and because of him I'm now with the most beautiful girl in the world," he smiled softly looking down at me. Blushing again I leaned my head into his chest.

  "Oh stop it, you're embarrassing me," I mumbled.

  "It's true though. Being so beautiful you deserve the best and I'm going to give that to you."

  He pulled me to a stop and I looked at the building we were in front of; it was a very expensive clothing store.

  "Oliver?" I shook my head but he pulled me inside anyways.

  "Get whatever you want. We're going to a very nice place tonight and I want you to look amazing."

  "What...no...this is too expensive," I whispered as one of the women at the counter greeted us.

  "Nothing is too expensive for you, Everlyn," he told me tilting my chin up to look at him and kissing me.

  "Aww," the girl at the cash re
gister cooed. She had the biggest grin on her face.

  "Could you help her find something very nice? Cocktail dress maybe. Price is no problem."

  I opened my mouth to protest but the girl interrupted me.

  "Sure! Big night tonight, huh?" she smiled showing all her sparkly teeth.

  "Yep." Oliver looked down at me then. "While she helps you I'm going to run to another place. I'll be back shortly."

  He kissed my head giving me that mischievous smirk I was so use to and headed out the door.

  "So miss....?"

  "Ever," I told the girl.

  "Ever, lovely name. Do you have a style or color you would like?"

  "Err...well I..."

  The girl who was about two foot shorter than me it seemed with blonde hair and blue eyes giggled.

  "No problem. We'll try everything!" she ushered me to a dressing room then started loading me down with dress after dress.

  In seemed like HOURS later (more like 30 minutes) I finally settled on two dresses. One was short the other long. I wasn't sure which I liked more, or which was more appropriate. Oliver hadn't really mentioned where we were going, nor had he come back yet.

  Sighing I stepped out of the dressing room to ask Ashlyn which dress I should choose. Sitting just outside the dressing room was Oliver with a small box in his hand. He had on a nice looking suit that made him look very hot.

  "Wow," he muttered taking me in.

  "Oh...umm...is it to much?" I asked looking down at the flowing red dress with sparkles along the bust. It had a slit down my left leg making me blush as Oliver couldn't seem to take his eyes off it.

  "Perfect," he replied in a husky voice. Standing he approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  "Where are we going?"

  He smiled. "You'll see."

  I groaned. He sat the small box in my hand.

  I gave him a questioning look.

  "Kimmy helped me a bit with this."

  I pulled the lid off quickly; inside was a beautiful locket. The locket itself was bronze with a black gem in center. The beading seemed a bit newer than the locket which was tattered but still beautiful.

  "Do you like it?" he asked hesitantly. This was the first time I had ever seen Oliver nervous and even tentative.

  "It's beautiful. I love it," I smiled.

  He let out a sigh of relief. "It was my great grandmother's. The only thing my mom actually kept. Even more surprising my dad never got rid of it. Open it up."

  I did and began tearing up. Inside was the picture of me and my dad I grabbed from my bedroom a few weeks ago and on the other side was a picture of Oliver and I that Kimmy took.

  I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight to me.

  "Help me put it on?"

  He took it and placed it around my neck then leaned down and kissed my throat, then jaw all the way to my ear as his arms wrapped around my stomach.

  "I love you more than life itself, Ever, never forget that."

  Chapter Sixteen

  We stood staring up at one of the tallest buildings in the city. I gaped at it. Our date was here?

  "Isn't this like some corporate office or something?"

  "It's made to look that way. It's really a "lounge" of sorts, for high rolling men and women. Some happen to not like their wives much," Oliver told me as we headed toward the front of the building.

  "What are we doing then?"

  "Well, it's an invitation only type party tonight," he smirked.

  I gave him a look. "You have an invitation?"


  The front doors of the building looked like any normal business office. Inside was a wide open entry way, even a receptionist desk, but no one was around.

  "It's not guarded?"

  "Pulled a few strings," he shrugged.

  "Pulled a few strings and whatever one left?" I laughed.

  "My little secret," he winked with his famous smart ass smirk. For a moment I wanted to flick him between his eyes. But, he tugged me out of my thoughts to an elevator.

  Once the doors closed and he had pushed the button for second to top floor he turned to me. He gathered me in his arms suddenly and lifted me into his chest. I gasp as he pressed me into the wall and kissed me deeply. I didn't argue with his strange behavior as he nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance.

  Opening my mouth he explodes every inch. I was very aware of both of his warm hands on my backside as he held me up between him and the wall. When he pulled away we were both gasping for air.

  "What is with the sudden attack?" I kind of giggled.

  "I have wanted to do that for a long time. We just never get any privacy at home," he muttered pressing his lips to my cheek then jaw.

  "Hope you enjoy tonight."

  "Trust me I will."

  Oliver's hands still hold on to my bottom, he leaned his head against mine. It was silent aside from the dinging of each floor we passed.

  "Have you ever considered...umm...love making?" he asked awkwardly his cheeks tinted pink and I bit my lip as not to awe at how cute he looked. My cheeks tinted as well as his words sunk in.

  "Well...I...no...but yes. That one night at the party...when we got drunk. I thought about it then."

  "Well, have you thought about wanting to be with me....like that? If no then I understand," he said pulling back. "I mean I would never force you to do th-"

  Curling my fingers in his hair I kissed him sweetly.

  "Oliver...I...I do...would like to be with you like that." Blushing I looked down at his tie.

  "Would you...like to...err...well...?”

  "Here?!" I stared at him in horror.

  "What! No, no. Not here, or now," he chuckled.

  There was a loud "DING" as we reached our floor. Oliver sat me down quickly and smoothed out my dress as the doors opened. I adjusted his shirt as it was messed up as well. A low humming of voices was coming from somewhere. Stepping out into the burgundy hallway he followed the sound.

  "Later, when we go back to our hotel?" Oliver asked finishing our conversation. Glancing up at him I think my face turned the same shade as the walls. Oliver wanted to do "stuff" when we got back to our hotel room! Am I ready for that? Am I ready to be intimate like that with Oliver? Is it too soon?

  "We'll talk about it later?" Oliver whispered softly as we reached a set of double doors that stood open. I nodded.

  Stepping into the room the noise of music and many people talking filled my ears. The women and men were dressed elegantly. The ceiling and carpet was the same burgundy from the hall, although the walls were black.

  Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and comfortable couches and chairs were scattered about. The atmosphere was relaxed with the only light coming from the many candles or from the city just beyond the back wall which was made entirely of glass. In the center was a circular bar with seating all the way around.

  "This place is amazing," I told Oliver quietly.

  "You haven't seen all of it."

  Oliver and I headed for the bar first and he ordered two, Manhattan Sweets.

  "What is that?" I asked when the bartender walked away.

  "It's good. It's got a cherry in it. I know how much you love cherries," He laughed leaning on the bar.

  Shaking my head at him I glanced around. The people here were very laid back, most were in just groups of two or three. It made me think of a dating type place. Singles meeting other singles but most of the people here looked Mid-forties. Not all but mostly strict business types.

  After getting our drinks we headed to a different part of the room where there were guards blocking a doorway. Oliver pulled out a card from inside his jacket and handed to them. One took it and looked over then back up at Oliver again. They kept eye contact for a few moments before the man opened the door ushering us in.

  "Do you get the impression he doesn't like you much?" I joked.

  "He doesn't. I know him."

  "Oh...is that a bad thing?"
  "We'll see how it goes," Oliver sighed looking over his shoulder.

  The short hall took us up some stairs to yet another doorway. The doors stood open and a cool breezy blew in. The music here was more upbeat.

  Stepping out I could tell the atmosphere was a lot different. It was a roof top deck but was a bit darker than most clubs I have been too. There was flashing lights but you could hardly make out the people. Which were much younger than the ones down stairs, the clothes were still elegant and classy but the moves on the dance floor were not. Oliver smirk chugging his drink and sitting it down on a nearby table.

  "May I have this dance?" He questioned all gentlemen like. Think about how we usually dance it's not all that far from sex, just with our clothes on. Embarrassed by those thoughts I drank chugged my drink quickly and took his hand.

  We danced for a while till my feet ached from the heels. Oliver, who usually always had his hands all over me while dancing had now stepped it up tenfold. He had started off small with a brush here and a graze there. Once he seen I was okay with it he went farther.

  At one point while my back was too him his hand slide low on my stomach. He was hesitant gaging my reaction then rested his hand on my bare thigh under the slit in my dress. I was very embarrassed by it but also excited. Every time his hands touched my flesh it was like electricity sparked in my veins. Perhaps it was adrenaline.

  "Shit," Oliver suddenly breathed shifting his hands instantly to wrap tight around my waist.

  Looking up at him he was staring at the main doors, I followed his gaze over and seen about five or six guards looking around with two men in the center of them who looked in charge, even in the dim light I could make out their blonde hair. One seemed older around forty or so, the other about Oliver's age. My first thought was father and son.

  "Come on," Oliver told me tugging me forward. We went quickly toward the DJ stand. Glancing back I made eye contact with the younger boy. He pointed at us and spoke to the people around him.

  "Oh no, Oliver, run," I told him. I wasn't sure why but I somehow knew those guys were in a gang and we needed to be as far away from them as possible.

  Oliver grabbed my wrist and we ran. He pulled me around the back side of the DJ booth to a door leading to stairs.