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I Hate You...I Think Page 17

  "How on earth did you know where the stairs were?"

  "I always know the exits before I go into a place."

  His little "go down the stairs" plan instantly fell through when we see three burly guys running up the stairs. Oliver released my hand and turned into a human torpedo and slammed full force into the men launching them back down the stairs. I would have stood staring at him in astonishment if the door behind me hadn't opened.

  I jumped down the two steps before me into Oliver's awaiting arms and we took off down the stairs. Mid run I somehow managed to reach down and jerk off my high heels.

  Two floors down there were a few more men coming up; swerving left we jerked open a door entering a hallway. Even with the possible threat to our life I had the urge to laugh, I'm not sure why.

  The men were yelling to stop behind us as we turned another corner slamming into a housekeeper. She shrieked throwing the laundry in her hands everywhere. Oliver stopped looking at the laundry chute she had just been using. I knew what he was thinking...and I didn't like it.

  Jerking the chute open he jumped in grabbing me helping me in as well. Just as the men rounded the corner we dropped. Screaming I buried my face into Oliver's chest as we slid down a steep incline. The bottom dropped out suddenly and we hit somewhat solid ground. I cringed. Wet towels, and wet wasn't a pleasant smell. Rolling off the side we hit the ground.

  "Let's not do that again," Oliver muttered flinging a wash cloth away from him.

  "It was your idea," I scrunched up my face.

  Grinning he looked over at me and grabbed my hand again. The housekeeper/laundry people gave us odd looks as we ran out of the room. The hallway we found was dark. Sounds of pots, pans and sizzling drew us closer. The kitchen was huge, but that wasn't unexpected in this place.

  Passing through the kitchen Oliver snagged two bottles of wine from the counter.

  I laughed. I don't know why he even needed them but he looked like a kid in a candy factory doing it. We got to the back exit of the building but I didn't step out I had dropped my shoes before we went down the chute. Oliver bent down.

  "Hop on."

  Wrapping my arms around his neck I jumped onto his back and heard my dress rip.

  "OH SHIT!"

  He chuckled. "I'll buy you a new one."

  "Oliver," I frowned. "Don't waste your money on me."

  "Ever, I have more money than I know what to do with. I like buying things for you."

  He put the bottles inside of his jacket and grabbed my legs wrapping them around his waist.

  "What was that about back there?" I questioned laying my chin on his shoulder.

  "Weasley and his son."

  "Weasley? The man who got you into street fighting?"

  "Yeah, he makes Jason look like a toddler in a fight."

  "Worried he could kick your butt?" I teased. Oliver pretended to drop me. I clutched onto him with a death grip.

  "Jerk face," I hissed.

  "Weasley is a really good fighter though," Oliver muttered.

  It was silent as we walked. Oliver didn't seem to mind carrying me. He wasn't winded or anything, although we were getting crazy looks. About fifteen minutes later we reached our hotel.

  He set me down on the lobby carpet.

  "So you wanna head up and stuff hopefully you won't regret tomorrow?" Oliver asked looking at anything but me.


  When we got up to the room it was awkward. We weren't sure what to do.

  "Have you never been with a girl?"

  "I've had girlfriends...but it never got serious..." he shrugged taking off his shoes.


  So I'm not the only inexperience one. How would we do this? It was not like in movies were the couple just kisses then starts undressing all romantically. This was awkward because both of us were embarrassed.

  "Would you like to take a shower?" Oliver stood up coming to me.


  He nodded. I mimicked him by nodding briefly. He chuckled.

  "We are really weird you know that."

  With that his hands went to my back where the zipper of my dress was. Slowly he pulled it down. My dress fell around my ankles leaving me in only my bra and underwear. Resisting the urge to cross my arms I looked up at him with a sheepish smile.

  It was like we both read each other's mind and quickly went in for a kiss. Oliver's hands roamed my back and hips as my fingers clumsily pulled off his jacket and started on his buttons. Stopping me he ripped the shirt over his head and threw it.

  My hands instantly went to his chest to run over his muscles and abs, backing up, still kissing, we ran into the wall next to the bathroom door and both started laughing.

  Lifting me we finally got into the bathroom where he sat me on the counter so he could start the shower up. With his back to me he unbuckled his pants and let them fall and kicked them away. Glancing over his shoulder he gave a questioning look for his boxers.

  Like a silly little girl I giggled and nodded. Turning back around he slid his boxers off. His perfect little backside was so pale it almost blinded me, then he turned around and I sucked in a breath. My eyes widened. I had never seen a male fully unclothed...ever. Nor had I seen one so handsome. Oliver tried a nonchalant approach as he came to me. His cheeks still tinted pink.

  "Why have you never really been with a girl?" I asked trying not to look down.

  "I told you already."

  "Yeah, but you could still have experienced. It. Without a relationship. Like Jake."

  Oliver moved between my legs as I sat on the counter. It took all my will power not to faint from holding my breath.

  "I never found a girl good enough. Waiting for you was worth it," he breathed leaning closer. Our lips touched and his...little one...instantly perked up. It made me wonder if it does every time we kiss and I never noticed it. Well I don't have a habit of looking down there.

  My hands twisted into his hair as his fingers unclasp my bra. It was strapless so it easily fell to the floor. He wasted no time with my underwear.

  Ignoring my embarrassment I focused only on his lips so much so that when the warm water hit me I gasp in shock jerking back. Chuckling he took this opportunity to go for my throat. Right to the same spot he had found this morning that made my back arch pushing myself against him. Quickly and gently Oliver then took me. Whimpering in pain he stopped.

  "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he spoke quickly. I shook my head not able to talk until the pain subsided and it did.

  Looking up at him he seen in my eyes I wanted him to continue. He did. Holding me tightly he began again. Digging my nails into his back I arched into him, pain and pleasure all in one.

  The feeling building inside me was foreign but so wonderful. Oliver's lips kissed my body hungrily. Burying my face in the curve of his neck my toes curled and I did the first thing that came to mind, I bit his shoulder. Not hard but in no way gentle. This only seemed to make things better, very, very much so.

  Oliver still held me to his chest as the water ran over us. Both panting and hot we just stood there. My very first time doing something like this and I did it with the boy I love, who I also know loves me more than life it's self as he told me earlier.

  "I love you," I whispered pressing my lips to his again.

  "I love you too, Bunny," he whispered so gently and sweetly. Holding my face he rubbed his thumb over my cheeks.

  "I don't ever wanna imagine my life without you."

  Chapter Seventeen

  I woke with Oliver lying on my stomach. His had one arm wrapped across my hips. His slow even breathing tickled my bare stomach. Smiling I looked up at the ceiling. I can't believe all the Oliver and I had done last night.

  After the bathroom we moved to the bed. It was about five in the morning before we finally fell asleep. Running my fingers through his soft hair I didn't want to move. He looked so cute sleeping.

  It's insane to think that not long
ago he annoyed me to no end. Now I don't think I could stand being away from him. I practically lived with him already. I wonder how he'd feel if I let my apartment go? After all I don't have the keys. I'd been using the hair pen trick to get in every time I went over there.

  Oliver groaned in his sleep and squeezed my thighs burying his face into my stomach further. Stroking his hair again he relaxed his grip. Tilting his head up his eyes were open slightly. Looking up at me he gave a silly smile then sat up rubbing his face with his hand. Sitting up on my knees I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind.

  "Morning sweetheart," I muttered kissing his cheek.

  "Morning," he muttered caressing my wrists with his thumb then kissed them.

  "Why are you so soft?" He questioned reaching around to pull me into his lap.

  "I don't know," I laughed. Grabbing my chin he kissed me.

  "I could get use to this," he half smirked looking over my naked body. Lightly I smacked him.

  "We can't sleep naked at home. Not even sure we'll be able to do anything there with Jake. He's like a nosy toddler."

  "When we get home I'm going to buy a pad lock for our bedroom door," he shook his head. His hair fell in his face and I brushed it out of his eyes.

  "Are you hungry? After all the exercise we did last night I'm starving."

  Laughing, I nodded. He gave a soft smile.

  "What?" I raised my eye brow at him.

  "I like hearing you laugh."

  Blushing I looked away. "I'm going to get some clothes on. I'm cold."

  "I can tell," he said flicking my nipple. I jumped a little landing on his "little one" he groaned but it instantly caused him to get excited.

  "Now you've done it," he growled flinging me over on the bed. Giggling I tried resisting him but eventually gave in. Being around him was going to be difficult. I can already tell.

  An hour later I came out of the bathroom in a cute short white dress. After a shower I blew dried my hair and it fell in little ringlets around my face. Oliver was sitting on the bed in a pair of shorts and a band tee.

  He glanced up at me as I came out; in his mouth was a piece of bacon. He swallowed it quickly and grinned like he hadn't done anything wrong. On the bed in front of him was a large tray with food all over it. I joined him to get breakfast.

  "So what are we doing today?" I asked shoving bacon in my mouth.

  "Well they got that street festival near Sontana beach they have every year. Would you like to go?"

  "Yeah sure, can we get funnel cake? And cotton candy? Oooohhh and-"

  Oliver covered my mouth chuckling. "We'll get everything."

  Grinning at him he handed me a cup. The sweet smell of coffee met my nose. Looking at him he was staring at me again.

  "Why are you always staring at me?"

  He shrugged. "Just enjoying the view."

  When we got to the festival the first thing Oliver did was drag me around looking for a ride called the tornado. That in no way sounded fun. When we found it my stomach dropped into my shoes. I cringed watching the contraption spin as well as the individual seating around spinning separately. Dragging me in line I tried to control my nerves.

  "It'll be fun I promise."

  "Oliver...I have never been on a carnival ride before."

  He looked down at me shocked. "Really?"

  I nodded watching the ride slow and the screams die down.

  "Well I'll be right there with you the whole time."

  I wasn't reassured. It looked like a death trap. The line moved up till it was our turn to go. Finding a seat Oliver helped me step up then got in the seat next to me. There were two empty seats left in our group. In the center was a circular wheel. I was going to ask what it was for when two other boys hopped up in our cage.

  "Hey," they spoke taking their seats.

  "Wanna go fast?" one asked. Oliver grinned but looked at me unsure.

  "Aww well how about we start out slow?" the same question. I nodded.

  "You look a bit pale. You okay," the one closest to me asked.

  "It's her first carny ride."

  "Sweet," the boys chuckled.

  The three boys grabbed a hold of the center and began turning our cage slowly. It wasn't too bad then the whole machine began turning. Faster and faster it turned. The boys were still going somewhat slow but my stomach settled and I wanted it to go faster. Reaching out I touched the center helping them spin.

  "Faster?" Oliver asked. I nodded as adrenaline rushed through my veins. This was fun. The wind whipped my hair. Oliver and the other boys grabbed the center and began spinning faster. I let go not able to keep up with them. Holding on to my seat I focused on Oliver who was laughing loudly as were the other two boys.

  We were going so fast now I was sucked to one side of my seat. Not able to hold it in any longer I screamed in in excitement. I would have thrown my hands up if gravity didn't have me plastered to the chair. All too soon the ride ended. Laughing all four of us stumbled off the car. Oliver was swaying as he tried to help me out. I kind of fell into his arms. Stumbling out of the fence we stopped a second to regain our composer.

  "So you see you enjoyed that?" Oliver laughed almost tripping over an old lady.

  "Yeah we got to do that again."

  After four more goes at the Tornado I was so drunk I couldn't stand on my own two feet. Oliver was pretty dizzy himself so when he offered to carry me I promptly declined. I knew that within three seconds we would be a heap on the ground with everyone staring.

  "Funnel cake!" I exclaimed seeing the stand, grabbing Oliver's wrist we stumbled through the crowd pretty much bumping people out of our way as we went. After getting our funnel cake we wondered through the fair.

  "So have you talked to your dad since he went into prison?" I asked stuffing deliciousness into my mouth. Chuckling he whipped my mouth with his thumb and licked the powdered sugar off his finger.

  "No, I haven't. I got a few letters from him when I was in jail but I never replied."

  "Jail..." I stared at Oliver a second. Eien's warning suddenly coming to the front of my mind. "We had to pull Oliver off the boy's lifeless body...".

  "Yeah, I was in jail for a few months. Nothing to worry about now," he smiled softly. "We'll talk about that later."

  Nodding I looked away from him to the booth we had stopped in front of. There were scarves and hats, as well as some jewelry. I big frumpy hat was then dropped on my head. Laughing I grabbed a large yellow one with feathers and placed in on Oliver's head. He posed for me with one hand on his hip and the other behind his head. Grabbing for his pocket I pulled out his cell phone and snapped a pic.

  "Hey," he grabbed for the phone but I quickly sent it to Jake. I knew the boys would get a laugh out of that for sure. Wrapping his arms around me he reached down and bit my shoulder.

  "Brat," he huffed.

  "Love you too, Olibear," I teased.

  We walked the length of the festival coming to end where the pavement met the sand. Sontana beach was much like our beach near Oliver's house but this was a tourist beach and way more people were around. Every inch of the sand was covered in all sorts of people. It seemed year round there was always someone here.

  "This should get interesting soon." Oliver muttered looking up at the darkening sky.

  "You wore your bathing suit right?"

  I nodded.

  "Can I have your purse a second?"

  Giving him a questioning look I handed it to him. He emptied his pockets out into it and then walked over, looking around he stuck it behind a bush.

  "What ar-"

  "Well better get in while we can."

  He grabbed my waist slinging me over his shoulder.

  "OLIVER!" I exclaimed trying to cover my slightly exposed behind. Ignoring me and the laughing bystanders he carted me toward the water, even with my protests and yelling. Hanging upside down I watched the water get higher and higher on his waist till my toes touched. Gasping in shock at how cold the water
was I lifted my legs up.

  "You better not mister!" I yelled smacking his rear end. He suddenly jerked me back over his shoulder pressing me to his chest and sinking into the water till we were chin deep where he held me squirming and all.

  "You’re a jerk," I stuttered shivering. Holding me tighter he just laughed pressing his forehead to mine.

  "You make me feel so much younger, Ever."

  I scoffed. "You're not old to begin with."

  He kind of shrugged. "With the business I deal with I feel old. I have to be tough and not show weakness. Any sign of weakness could be my down fall. I could lose everything I've worked so hard for with one little slip up."

  Frowning I looked into his eyes. They held so many emotions.

  "With you I am free though," he smiled. "We have had our issues but everything about you draws me in."

  "You’re amusing," he grinned. "Honest, and so sweet."

  He stroked my cheek gently then smirked, "And, stubborn, hard headed, bratty and most of all strong. The strongest woman I know."

  Shaking my head I looked away from him toward the beach.

  "Not always..."

  Not the night in the junkyard. I wasn't strong then...nor am I honest...I haven't even told him about Eien's threats.

  "Don't shake your head at me," he whispered lifting my chin. "Being strong has nothing to do with strength. You're strong here," he pointed to my heart.

  "The rest is why I'm here," he smiled sadly. "I know I wasn't there to protect you in the junkyard. I will never let that happen again. I will not let you get hurt."

  He met my eyes and held them with intensity; I wasn't able to look away. "I would die for you, Everlyn."

  Tears welled in my eyes. "I would never want it to ever come to that."

  "It won't," he spoke firmly. "I will not let it get that far. This thing with Jason. It will end. I will see to it."


  A droplet hit my cheek suddenly. My eyes widened in shock. That's when a larger wave crashed into us pushing us toward shore. Landing in a heap on the beach screaming began as the sky unleashed I waterfall upon everyone. I never understood why people started screaming when it rained? It's just water....the same stuff that is in the ocean or that you drink. It's not acid...nor will it kill you.