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I Hate You...I Think Page 19

  "So you really like Oliver?"

  "Nah...I just like chill here and sleeping in his bed," I replied.

  He smiled. "Stupid question, eh?"

  "Just a bit."

  "I mean, do you plan on like marrying him? Having kids?"

  Blushing I looked away from him and shrugged my shoulder.

  "I don't know. I love him. I couldn't imagine not being with him or you guys. You guys are my family now. I love all of you."

  "That's good," he nodded now licking around the edge of bowl.

  "We kind of love you too. I like having you around; you make Oliver not so grumpy."

  "He sure can be grumpy at times," I agreed.

  Tyler's phone began buzzing and he pulled it out. "Speaking of…"

  "Hello," he answered. Pausing he looked at me. "Yeah, she's right here."

  He handed me the phone.


  "Hey, Bun," Oliver said.

  "What's wrong?" I asked worried.

  "Nothing, I was just wondering if you could get Tyler to bring you up here so we could talk. We haven't really and I feel like I'm neglecting you."

  I smiled. Tyler started making kissy faces just like his brother or Jake would. Laughing I waved him off.

  "Yeah, I'll make him bring me up there."

  "How's he doing?" Oliver asked worried now.

  "We're making cookies and just talking," I told him looking over at Tyler who was pulling the cookies out of the oven.

  "That's good. I know Jet will be back soon. It's not like him to be gone long. Oh, and can you bring me some cookies?"

  "Fatty," I teased.

  He scoffed. "Jerk face," he mimicked my voice.

  Sitting on the end of Oliver's desk I glared at the newspaper he had handed me.

  Gang violence escalating

  Police officials believe recent violence and arson involved in gang rivalry. Chief of police trying to crack down on street thugs causing mayhem in our streets.

  "Street thugs," I scoff. "Maybe Jason's stupid crew, but not-"

  "No, we'd be classified as thugs too, baby girl," Oliver said stopping his pacing and placing both hands on either side of me dropping his head into my chest. Setting the newspaper down I wrapped my arms around him stroking his hair.

  "What does this mean?"

  Sighing he lifted his head taking my face in his hands he kissed me gently. His lips pressed deeper into mine for a moment before he broke us apart and leaned against me holding me tight.

  "It means...things could be getting bad. Jason's been starting fires on his and my side of the line. He keeps trying to press the boundaries. The more he gets away with the more he tries for. I have been letting it slide, but not anymore. I can't let him keep this up. It's showing the other gangs that I'm weakening. I must retaliate and in doing so...I'll be basically asking the police to arrest me and the rest of my gang."

  "But, I thought you had the cops in your pocket."

  "Most of them, yes. However, Jason's got a few judges in his. Judges are the guys you want on your side. The farther up the chain you go the better."

  "So...if you do something Jason can get a judge to sign off on searching this place or maybe an arrest warrant?"

  "Exactly," he muttered rubbing his face.

  "How long has this been going on? Before we went on the trip this weekend?"

  "Yeah," he nodded.

  "Oliver, why didn't you tell me?" I questioned grabbing his hands making him look at me.

  "I didn't want you to worry about it, baby girl."

  "But, it's really bad now...."

  "Yeah, and I'll deal with it like I always have. I'll put Jason in his place and he'll shut up for a while then it'll start back up again. It's never ending. I really need to get him out of the picture," he turned away from me staring out the newly replaced windows.

  He was still pulling glass out of his hands and back. There was no doubt his back would be scarred because of Eien. Speaking of, no one could find the little coward; he probably crawled back to Jason.

  "What do you mean out of the picture? Like. Dead?" I asked wide eyed realizing what he just said. Oliver didn't speak nor turn around.

  "Oliver." Jumping up I stepped in front of him. He looked down at me with troubled eyes.

  "I will not let you go to prison. You are not killing him. As much as he deserves it, I won't let you," I told him firmly.

  Without a word he cupped my face. Bringing his down to mine he pressed his cheek to mine. "I wouldn't do anything like that, Ever. For the simple reason of I would never leave you. Nothing, I mean nothing, is worth losing you over."

  "Losing me? Oliver," I pulled back looking at him in the eye. "You will never lose me, sweetheart."

  It was Friday morning and I was in Art history again. Class was almost over and I was more than ready for it. I had debated staying home today but Oliver wouldn't let me. I have already missed too many days of class.

  "Alright, you're free to go. But, make sure you're rough drafts are ready Monday. I know there are a few of you who can't afford a low grade," Professor Hartford told us looking around the room his eyes pausing on a few people, me included. Huffing I gathered my things and exited the room. An arm clapped around mine and jerked me quickly away from the room.

  "Eien," I snarled eyeing him. I tried jerking my arm out of his grasp. "Let me go now."

  He ignored me tugging me along. I planted my feet ready to make a seen when he leaned down to my ear.

  "Jet will die if you don't come with me now."

  A warm feeling of absolute fear crept up my spine.

  "Bull shit. I'm not going anywhere with you."

  Jerking me roughly around a corner he pushed me against the wall. His face had cuts all over it where shards of glass had been embedded into his skin. Taking out his phone he did something then shoved it in my face.

  My stomach dropped and I felt like vomiting. Shoving his hand in my pocket he grabbed my phone.

  "Now keep your mouth shut and come with me," he hissed roughly taking my arm and dragging me. My eyes watered, I couldn't get that image of Jet out of my head. Broken and hurt. What if he was already dead? What if I would be dead soon too? How could I just let Eien kidnap me without really knowing if Jet was alive or not?

  "No..." I pulled my arm away, or tried. Eien had an iron grip on me. I felt a bruise forming.

  "I don't believe you. How do I know he's still ok?"

  Grounding his teeth he got his phone again and dialed a number.

  "She's being stupid put him on."

  Eien put the phone to my ear. I heard a groan.

  "Jet?" I questioned.

  "Ever," he breathed. I knew it was Jet for sure.

  "Don't do anything they tell you. Don't go with anyo-"

  There was a sickening smack.

  "Ever," Jason's voice suddenly spoke.

  "You let him go," I ordered weakly. Eien moved me down a quieter hall away from the crowd of people.

  "I'll let him go if you take his place," Jason chuckled. Tears finally broke loose and slide down my face and I bowed my head letting more fall.

  Chapter Twenty


  Frustration, annoyance, anger, as of lately those were the only feelings I knew, except when I was with Ever. Sigh. She was the only one I could never get mad at. Even when she did ridiculous things I couldn't stay angry at her.

  I mean of course I'm still upset she didn't tell me about Eien's threats sooner. I would have done something about that little shit sooner, before he had someone go after Alex and Kimmy. At least they were doing better and would be out of the hospital today.

  Leaning back in my chair I looked around my empty classroom my eyes landing on Ever's empty chair. Ten more minutes and she'd be here. Of course I couldn't do anything while the rest of the students were here. There were many times this week I just wanted to grab her up and take her on my desk the rest of the class be damned.

  Since Jet took off Sunday
she had spent all her time with Tyler so I had stayed at the warehouse. If anyone could make Tyler happy it was Ever.

  She always had a way of making everyone feel loved. She was such a sweet beautiful girl, sometimes I wondered what she sees in me. I know I don't deserve that gorgeous girl. She needs someone who would keep her safe and never let anything happen to her. I try. I try my damn best to be the man she deserves. The one she can wake up to every morning and smile knowing she made the right choice.

  I just have this fear that one day she'll wake up and see I'm not the one. That she made a mistake, or what if we make it so far and I turn out to be just like my dad. What if she wants to have kids? Could I be a good father? Or would I turn out just like that bastard that raised me? I wouldn't let my kids live that kind of life.

  If I knew Ever was pregnant I'd drop the gang in a heartbeat to be with her. To keep our baby out of that life. I'd never wish this on anyone. I mean yeah I love this life style. I love fighting, racing, and the money. But, I love Ever more.

  The classroom door opened, I expected it to be Ever. She was always first to class but sadly it was a few students I had yet to remember their names. Yeah I'm a crappy Professor, I know. I really should care more...but I didn't.

  "Good morning, Mr. Wolfe," chimed Angela Waters as she slide into her desk.

  "Morning," I smiled weakly.

  Ten minutes passed and the class was filling up but still no Ever. She must have gotten held up with her last class. I want to wait for a few more minutes until she gets here but I shouldn't. I started take role marking Ever as present but after a few more minutes I didn't have a choice but to get class started.

  She had complained about going to school today. If she got one of the guys to take her home....I scoffed rolling my eyes. I bet that’s exactly what she did. Little brat, I wanted to sleep too. After getting the class started on an in-class essay I pulled out my cell and text Ever.

  Where you at, Bun? - Oliver

  Ten minutes and nothing so I texted Jake.

  Hey. You or any of the guys take Ever home?- Oliver

  Not that I know of. I'll text the others. Isn't she supposed to be in ur class? - Jake

  Yeah. She isn’t here. - Oliver

  A few minutes later and the students were still writing. My cell vibrated.

  None of the guys have seen her. - Jake

  Frowning I stared at the screen, then stood up.

  "Alright guys. You can take your essays with you and turn them in tomorrow. I got a family emergency."

  The students started shuffling and putting their things away. I didn't wait for them to finish packing up before I headed for the door. As soon as I was outside I called Ever's phone. It ringed several times but then went to voicemail.

  "Dammit," I breathed then tried the hospital where Kimmy and Alex were. Maybe she went to help them.

  "Hello?" Alex answered.

  "Hey. Is Ever up there with you guys?"

  " Why?"

  "She didn't show up for class and she's not answering her phone," I told him heading for my car.

  "Have you talked to the other guys?"

  "Yeah. No one has seen her."

  My phone beeped as someone tried to call me.

  "Someone is on the other lines. It's probably her."

  "K. Bye."

  I answered the other line without looking.


  "Hey man. You seen her yet?" Jake asked.

  "Dammit. No, I thought you were her."

  "Well, I'm headed home to see if she’s there."

  "That's where I was about to go. How close are you?"

  "I'm pulling into the driveway. Stay on the phone while I check."

  "Yeah," I muttered unlocking my car door and sitting down. Drumming on the steering wheel I listened to Jake yelling Ever's name throughout the house. If she wasn't there where could she be? Why isn't she answering her phone? She can't be with Jason. She just can't be. How could he get her at the college? She's a smart girl. She wouldn't go with him.

  "Oliver...she isn't here..." Jake muttered into the phone. Pinching the bridge of my nose I settled into the possibility. I clenched the steering wheel hard.

  "Get everyone together."

  "You think..."


  My phone beeped again. Looking down I seen it was Ever's number.

  "She's calling. Stay on the line."

  "Ever. Where are you?"

  There was a small cry and my heart dropped.

  "Hey there Oliver," Jason chuckled.

  I snarled punching my steering wheel honking the horn.

  "Where is she!"

  "Say hello, Ever," Jason spoke. There was some rustling and then a muffled cry and then a scream.

  "Why are you doing this, you fucking son of a bit-"

  "You know why I'm doing this," Jason snarled. "You little rat. You tried to kill me then got me thrown in jail you little fucker. And, now I'm going to make you pay. Would you like me to tell you what I'm going to do to your little girl first?"

  "Don't you touch her!"

  "I think first I'm going to get her out of these pants. They look a bit tight," Jason laughed hanging up.

  "STUPID ASS MOTHER FUCKER!" I yelled slinging my phone onto the dash and started punching the dash board.

  "OLIVER!" I heard Jake yell through the phone. Snatching it up I put it to my ear.

  "Get everyone together. Jason has Ever, and this shit ends today. Right now!"


  Eien had an iron grip on my fore arm as he drug me out of the building toward the parking lot. Jet was in trouble and I knew that I soon would be too if I went with Eien. I knew Jet needed me, but there was no chance of Jason letting Jet go even if I did go to him. I was in shock and torn between what do to.

  "No..." I muttered. I tried pulling my arm from Eien. He refused to release me.

  "I'm not going with you," I told him firmly.

  Eien jerked me forward and I stumbled crashing into his side.

  "Let go of me now, Eien. I'm not going with you. I know that Jason won't let Jet go even if I do go."

  I tried shoving at him; he suddenly flicked out a switch blade and pressed it into the side of my ribs. I gasp as it pierced the skin and looked up at him terrified. Would he stab me right here?

  Wrapping his arm around my waist he turned my body into him not moving the knife.

  "If you don't shut up right now I'll press the knife deeper and puncture your lung," Eien hissed into my ear.

  I shook my head not fully believing he would do that, even as fear spread up my back into my chest.

  "You wouldn't," I challenged trying to break loose. He pressed the knife deeper. I whimpered as the wound burned and I felt my shirt get wet as my blood seeped onto it.

  "You don't know what I'm capable of," he mocked.

  We were in the parking lot. From where I stood I could see Oliver's car. Eien threw open the door to a red two door sports car. Pulling the knife away from me I aimed a kick at his crotch. He blocked it with his leg. Grabbing my hair he slung me into the back seat. I cracked my head into the far glass window and my eyes went out of focus for a moment.

  Getting in the car he started it up and took off. Holding my head I looked around trying to think quickly. I had to get a plan together. If Eien brought me to Jason there was no doubt in my mind of what would happen then. A small cry escaped me at the thought. Eien looked in the rear view mirror with a smirk.

  "Wipe that fucking smirk off your face! You think Oliver won't know! He's going to beat you to death. I hope he does too!" I screamed aiming a punch at his head. He caught my wrist and twisted it violently jerking me forward. I shrieked as I heard it crack. He laughed and let go.

  Pressing my back as far away from his seat as possible, I cradled my hand crying hard. I could hardly see through the tears but my wrist seemed to instantly start swelling.

  The ride wasn't long. In no time we were pulling up to a house o
n the other side of the junk yard. It was a single story brick house. Many guys were outside on the front steps. Eien pulled along the curb and stepped out pulling the seat forward.

  I pressed myself into the seat glaring at him through tears. He reached in and I kicked out hitting him in the mouth.

  "You little bitch," he yelled climbing in grabbing my ankles and dragging me out.

  "Let me go you stupid son of a bitch," I screamed and kicked. Jerking me out, he slung me into the grass. All the guys from the front porch were laughing some had stood and were coming forward. Grabbing a handful of my hair Eien drug me to my feet I tried kicking, punching, even biting.

  "Come on baby, play nice," one of the men cooed grabbing at the hem of my shirt. I aimed a kick at him. Grabbing both my arms and pinning them behind my back Eien held me to his chest lifting me off the ground and carried me to the house.

  Slamming my head back I hit him in the mouth which in turn made him take my broken wrist and twist it. Screaming he placed his other hand over my mouth. Jason's gang was nothing like Oliver's. They were trashy little thugs. Many grabbed at my body and laughed at my pain as Eien brought me into the house.

  Jason was located down stairs as was Jet. I cried harder at the sight of Jet. His legs were broken. It looked as though they had taken a crow bar to his knees. He was tied to a pillar his head down and dried blood on his face and in his hair.

  "Ever, baby, it's about time you got here," Jason grinned. There were three other men in the room. Eien shoved me forward into the floor. Moving quickly I crawled to Jet lifting his head up. His eyes opened weakly.

  "Ever..." he breathed. Wrapping my good arm around him I held his head to my chest.

  "Where's her cell?" Jason asked Eien ignoring me. Eien handed it to him and they talked for a moment.

  "Ever, I told you..." Jet whispered lifting his head to look at me.

  "Shh, it's ok," I muttered to Jet rubbing my thumb over his eye to get dried blood off his eye lashes.

  "Your're bleeding."

  "Eien stabbed me," I told him. "I'm ok. It’s shallow,” I added seeing his face harden. It was a weak look. I didn't want him to get anymore hurt than he already was.