I Hate You...I Think Read online

Page 4

  Oliver pushed me and Jake over and took the spot next to me.

  "So is she coming to the tournament this weekend? Jet asked. I shook my head furiously.

  "I don't want to go," I told Oliver flatly.

  He looked down at me. "Why not?" He asked his face emotionless.

  "One I don't want to see anyone get hurt and two, I don't want to see that weirdo Jason. He creeps me out."

  Oliver gave me an all knowing look. "You’re right he is a freak. I don't want him near you."

  He doesn't want him near me? What does that mean? I felt butterflies in my stomach. I mentally slapped myself. I'm sure there's no meaning to it. Yeah, it just means something else.

  "Well, we're all going to be there. He won't have a chance to get near her. She should come and watch," Jake told Oliver. Completely ignoring the fact that I said I didn't want to go.

  Oliver shook his head. "It's better if she don't."

  "But...” Jake started.

  "Ever, why don't I take you home," Oliver said cutting Jake off. Jake gave a pouting face.

  I laughed and shook my head. He looked like a little kid.

  "Well, I guess we'll see you later, Ever," Jake told me still peeved.

  I messed up his hair. "You’re just like a kid," I laughed. That just made him sulk more, but I could see he was trying not to smile. Oliver was heading for the stairs.

  "See you later, then," I told him.

  "Bye, Ever," Jet and Tyler told me.

  "See you later munchkin," Logan called to me.

  "I am not a munchkin," I scowled at him. He just grinned.

  "Thanks for dinner," Alex smiled. Eien said nothing. Jerk face, I thought glaring at the back of his head.

  Chapter Four

  It was awkward being alone with Oliver in his little black car. Neither one of us spoke as he pulled out of the driveway. I was staring out the front window clutching my purse to my stomach.

  "Damn, I need gas," he muttered. I glanced over and saw he was almost on empty.

  "Mind if we stop?"

  "Err...no," I told him. Why did he ask? It's not like I could honestly stop him from getting gas.

  "Where do you live anyways?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road.

  "Ridge Creek Apartments," I told him.

  "You live with your parents?"

  I stared curiously at him a moment. "Umm...no."

  "How do you pay for your college and apartment?"

  I frowned. What's with all the questions? Why is he prying?

  "Umm...well my dad had a trust fund for me. It opened for me when I turned eighteen," I explained looking out the window, while fiddling with my fingers. I don't like talking about my family. My mom is a raging alcoholic and my dad is...dead.

  Oliver nodded, but didn't say anything further. We pulled up to the gas station and Oliver started to get out.

  "You want a drink?" He asked popping his head back in the car.

  "I don't have any money on me," I told him shaking my head.

  "I'm buying," he responded.

  "Really?" Wow, he's been really nice tonight.

  "Why do you seem so shocked?" He asked curiously.

  "Cause...earlier you were a jerk and now your being all nice," I pointed out.

  "Don't get used to it. What do you want?" He smirked.

  "Dr. Pepper?" I told him unsure.

  He nodded and shut the car door. After pumping the gas he headed inside. I sat there looking over the inside of his car. It was surprisingly clean. A backpack sat at my feet but aside from that there’s nothing else in here.

  There was a tap on my window. I jumped and looked up expecting to see Oliver but instead there was some guy standing there. I gave him an apprehensive look. What could he possibly want? He reached down to open the car door and I slammed my hand down on the lock.

  "Come on, girly. Open up," he told me with a smile.

  "Hey, get away from my car," Oliver snarled coming toward the car with a bag in his hand. He was glaring at the guy next to my window. The guy raised his hands.

  "Whatever," the guy muttered turning and walking away. Oliver tried the driver door but it was still locked. I pushed the button and opened it for him. He got inside still watching the guy, who had walked back over to the corner of the convenient store and was watching us but now on his cell phone.

  "Do you know him?" I asked Oliver.

  "He's one of Jason's guys," Oliver explained in an irritated voice. He placed the bag in my lap and pulled out of the parking lot quickly.

  "He tried to open the door," I stated, hoping he would explain why.

  "He was probably going to try to take you."

  "Take me?" I asked bewildered.

  "Let's put it this way. Jason attracts freaks just like himself. They have no respect for women and they will hurt you, if you know what I mean," He told me with a stern look. I was shocked and horrified. What if he hadn't come out? Would the guy have broken the window? Oliver's phone started going off. He jerked it out of his pocket and looked at it. A scowl appeared on his face. He flipped it open shoving it to his ear.

  "What?" He demanded his voice full of anger. He paused a moment and glanced over at me.

  "Go to hell, Jason," Oliver snarled snapping the phone shut and tossing it onto the dash.

  "What's wrong?" I asked my voice quieter than usual.

  "Nothing for you to worry about," Oliver told me glancing over at me face. He moved his hand off the steering wheel and opened the bag in my lap and pulled out a coke. Unscrewing the cap he took a drink and focused back on the road.

  "Oliver, I don't understand anything about what's going on. I personally don't want to but it seems now I'm in it I might as well know. What's going on?"

  Oliver sighed and gave me a brief glance, "Well, to be perfectly honest. My friends you met tonight and I are in a gang."

  "And, you’re the leader. I figured that much. So, Jason's like the leader of a rival gang?"

  Oliver nodded with a smirk on his face. "The tournament is not only about money. It's about respect and territory. It's pretty complicated so I won't explain that to you."

  "Well, how do I fit into this? I told you I won't tell anyone. Why would you bring me over there tonight?" I frowned.

  "Because, you’re amusing," He smirked again.

  "So, you'd put my life in danger for your own amusement?" I pursed my lips glaring at him. Self-centered jerk.

  "Your life isn't in danger, Ever. Don't be so dramatic," Oliver rolled his eyes.

  "Dramatic! I have a right to be, Oliver. That guy back there was going to 'take me'. I don't want to be part of your gang issues. I worked my ass off to get scholarships and go to college. I don't expect 'you' to understand that. You’re too worried about how amusing I am to you."

  I was seething with anger. He is such a self-centered, arrogant, freaking asshole.

  "Well, are you going to get out or not?" Oliver asked emotionless. I stared at him a moment then looked out the window. We were at my apartment, already. Pursing my lips I glared at Oliver slinging the car door open I jumped out throwing my purse over my shoulder. I didn't even bother with the drink leaving it in the seat; I slammed the door and stomped across the parking lot to the building. Tires screeched behind me, I turned back a brief moment and saw Olive tear out of the parking lot.

  Maybe I'll just skip his class tomorrow. Yeah. I think that's what I'll do.

  I got up to my apartment and tested the knob before placing my key in it and opening the door. After locking my door I collapsed on the couch and pulled out my phone. There was a missed call from Kimmy. I quickly called her back.

  "Ever!" She greeted.

  "Hey!" I replied. "How was your date?"

  "Suckish," she groaned.

  "Why what happened?" I asking flipping on the TV and scanning the channels for something to watch.

  "Eh...he was a loser, and only want...you know," she told me disgusted.

  "Well, we should hang out.
I haven't seen you since Monday."

  "Tomorrow, it's supposed to be warm. We should go down to the beach after classes," she offered in an excited tone.

  "That sounds great!"

  "So, what did you do tonight?"

  "Umm...well...l...let's talk about it tomorrow when I see you okay," I stuttered.

  "Is it something bad?" She asked in a worried tone.

  "It depends on what you classify as bad."

  "Ever," she started in an accusing tone, "How do you always find yourself in trouble. Remember that time in the sixth grade when we went to the mall and you just 'had' to go and explore the section that they were renovating. Then, those old perverts who were working back there wanted to "get to know us better". It better not be something like that. You’ve always been too curious for your own good," she told me.

  I could hear the disapproval in her voice. I bite my lip, maybe I shouldn't tell her.

  "We'll talk about it tomorrow," I told her.

  She sighed, "Okay. I'm headed to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow."

  "K, night Kimmy."

  "Let's go swimming!" Kimmy whined.

  I looked up at her from my beach chair; she was hovering over me with her hands on her hips.

  "So you’re not upset?" I asked confused.

  "Of course, I am!" She yelled. I cringed. "But, it's happened and there's nothing you can do about it. I think it's kind of cute. Why don't you just tell Oliver you like him?"

  "Shhh!" I scolded.

  "Sorry," she whispered looking around. "It's not like he's here or anything."

  "He might be!" I cried, looking around with wide eyes. I had ditched his class today and even passed up getting my coffee this morning just to avoid him. He might be out there watching me all pissed off.

  "And, I can't tell him. It's illegal. Besides, I DON’T like him. He's a bipolar jerk."

  "You’re just in denial. Maybe he's moody but once you get to know him more maybe you'll see that you like him," Kimmy said waving her hand.

  "Did you not hear me though? It's illegal!"

  Kimmy scoffed. "You’re not under age, and no one knows."

  "It's morally wrong. He's my professor, and he doesn't even like me," I told her drawing in the sand between out chairs with a stick.

  She sighed heavy. "Ever, you don't know that. He thinks you’re amusing. He likes to keep you around, I think it's cute."

  "Kimmy, I have only known him for a few days. I'm not going to jump into anything," I explained, furrowing my eyebrows.

  "Ever, you're just making excuses. It's not like what happened with your parents. You’re not having a baby and have to get married. You like him, learn to love, and live. Hunny, ever since your dad died you changed. It's been seven years, babe," Kimmy told me softly reaching over and squeezing my hand.

  I frowned, had I changed since dad died. I mean I'm sure I did a little, and I wasn't making excuses. Oliver is...he's weird and I don't know anything about him. I'm just being logical about this. I'm not making excuses.

  "I'm just being logical, Kimmy. I don't want to get my hopes up." I told her softly.

  "Well, even if he doesn't like you. It seems there's something special about you to him," she pressed. "Why else would he would go through all this? He could have just let it go."

  "He's an evil little monster that's why," I grumbled.

  Kimmy sighed in frustration. "Come on, stubborn ass," she said standing up removing her towel, revealing her lavender bikini. Her long black hair was pulled up in a bun.

  I sighed and stood as well dropping my towel. I glanced down at my dark blue bikini top to make sure it was covering me completely. My bottoms looked like a little mini skirt, but they covered better than the normal bottoms.

  "I can't believe you made me buy this," I muttered.

  "Flaunt what your mama gave you," Kimmy told me with a grin.

  "Sorry, I don't like to be molested with people eyes."

  She rolled her eyes. "Let's go rock climbing," she giggled pointing to the south edge of the beach where there was a cliff with fallen rocks clustered around it. They lead out a ways into the water. We gathered up our towels and bags and headed down the beach. I shivered as the cold waves lapped over my feet.

  We finally reached the rocks, and started climbing up. I was sore from last night and was panting before I got to the top. The top rock was flat and we both plopped down on the cool black rock. It was wet from the sea water splashing up on it so it made it extra slippery.

  "So what did you do last night with Oliver and his friends, aside from cooking for them?" Kimmy asked.

  "Well, they were training for that tournament I was telling you about. So we went down stairs and I watched them practice and talked to Oliver and Jake. Then, I told them about me learning Kuk Sool Won when I was little, so Jet and I fought for -"

  "Jet?" Kimmy cut me off. "Jet and Tyler?" She asked looking at me.

  "Err...yeah," I told her confused.

  "Twins, right?" Kimmy asked getting excited.

  "Yeah Jet's got this green streak in his hair and Tyler has silver. How do you know them?"

  "Ever! They’re my brothers!" Kimmy squealed.

  I stared at her wide eyed. "Seriously?"

  "Yeah, you met them once. Like when we were eleven. That was right before they left home," Kimmy explained.

  "How do you know it's them though? There could be Asian twins named Jet and Tyler who are not your brothers," I teased.

  "I haven't seen them in forever," she spoke excitedly ignoring me. "I have there number but I haven't talked to them since they left. I knew they lived here though, but they don't come home at all. They don't get along with our parents. And, my dad use to yell at me when I talked to them so they stopped calling," she told me sadly.

  "Well, why don't you call them," I asked. "I mean you’re not living with your parents anymore they can't get mad at you for talking to them now."

  "I wouldn't know what to say to them," Kimmy frowned. I snatched her phone that was hanging from her wrist.

  "What are you doing?" She reached for her phone. I leaned away and found Jet's number and dialed it. It rang three times and then he answered.

  "Hey," he said.

  "Hey Jet!" I exclaimed.

  "Ever?" He asked bewildered.

  "Give me my phone, Ever!" Kimmy yelled at me.

  "Kimmy, wants to talk to you," I laughed as she jerked the phone away from me.

  "Hey," she said quietly into the phone.

  "I'm good. How are you and Tyler doing?"

  Kimmy looked up at me for a moment. "Sure."

  She handed me the phone. I took it.

  "Hello?" I asked curiously.

  "Ever! Where were you today?" Oliver questioned. I cringed I forgot Jet was with him.

  "Avoiding you," I told him bluntly.

  He let out an annoyed grunt. Kimmy was snickering next to me. Who is that, she mouthed.

  I mouthed, "Oliver". She smirked.

  "Where are you?" Oliver demanded.

  "A place with trees, sand and water, it's called Earth, I think," I told him sarcastically. Kimmy cracked up again.

  "Ever, I'm not kidding."

  I sighed. "I'm at the beach with Kimmy, grumpy butt."

  "Well, we're coming there," Oliver told me in an amused tone now.

  I choked. "What? No, you can't!" I looked down at myself. I didn't want him seeing me in a bikini. Kimmy jerked the phone out of my hand.

  "We're by the cliffs," she told him.

  "Traitor!" I yelled at her trying to get the phone back away from her to tell him he wasn't allowed to come. She snapped it shut and shoved it in her bag.

  "Kimmy," I whined. I didn't want to see him, and I didn't want him to see me in this bikini.

  "Please, Ever," she begged. "I haven't seen my brother's in a long time." She gave puppy eyes and I knew I couldn't say no.

  "Fine," I grumbled. We pulled out our towels laying them on the rock. I put on my sun gl
asses and we laid in the sun for a good twenty minutes before I heard running footsteps. I sat up on my elbow looking down at the sandy beach as seven boys came down the beach. My mouth dropped open instantly. Oliver had no shirt on and his abs looked glossy and amazing in the sun light. I gulped.

  "Shut your mouth, Hunny. You’re drooling," Kimmy told me. I clamped my mouth shut, my face instantly going red. I lie back down and shut my eyes, groaning. They scrambled up the rocks to where we were.

  "Sexy," Alex whistled. I grabbed the edge of my towel pulling over my body.

  "Pervert," I told him reaching out to hit his leg. He jumped back laughing. The sun suddenly got blocked out. I glanced up to see Oliver hovering over me.

  "Can I help you?" I asked annoyed.

  "Somebody's in a cocky mood today," he smirked sitting down next to me.

  "You’re blocking out the sun," I scowled.

  "With good reason, you have a sun burn," he chuckled.

  "Nah ah, are you serious?" I pulled my sun glasses off and looked down at myself. Oh, what a liar. I had put on a lot of sun screen I knew I wasn't going to have sun burn.

  "You’re so gullible," he smirked. I punched him in the arm. He started to topple off the side. His arm snapped out grabbing me. Luckily, I reached out grabbing Jake who was just in front of me. Jake stopped us both from falling. Once Oliver let go I smacked at him with both hands.

  "You could have killed me."

  "Nah, you got enough flesh to cushion the fall," he told me pinching my stomach. I gawked at him. Did he just call me fat? Kimmy was laughing hysterically behind me. I turned my scowl on her. She gave a sheepish grin.

  "So, how do you two know each other?" Jet asked looking between me and Kimmy.

  "We have been friends since kindergarten. You have met her before, remember my eleventh birthday," Kimmy told him in a duh tone.

  "I remember your birthday I just don't remember any of your friends," Jet told her scratching the back of his head.

  Kimmy scoffed. "She is my only friend, nerd." She playfully punched him in the arm.

  "Sorry," Jet cried. Tyler was smiling slightly. Kimmy grabbed him and hugged his neck tightly.