I Hate You...I Think Read online

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  "Yeah. I think...I don't know."

  Jake looked at me confused. "What?"

  "I think Oliver and I...did...IT, but I don't remember," I told him.

  "Ever, I'm sure you didn't. Oliver would never take advantage of you."

  "That's the problem," I shook my head. "I wanted it. I mean...I was drunk yeah, but I remember kissing him and...then nothing."

  We had reached my apartment now, and Jake leaned over pulling me into his arms. I buried my face into his chest. How could I have done that? How could I have slept with him? I don't understand why Oliver was so mean and angry tonight maybe he thinks I'm a whore for what happened tonight.

  "You’re not a whore," Jake told me. Had I just said that out loud? Jake grabbed my shoulders so I was facing him.

  "Do you like Oliver?" he asked.


  "Yes or no."

  "Well yes, but-"

  "He likes you too, Ever. I know he cares about you. Now, I don't know for sure if you two did anything, but I know Oliver will not take this lightly. I promise he did not mean to be rude to you either. He was worried about Logan and he acted the way he did because he didn't want you to see Logan hurt like that. Oliver is a really great guy. I have been friends with him a long time. He just likes being in control and tonight he wasn't in control so he got snippy," He reassured me with a smile, wiping my eyes.

  "And, another thing. Do not say you're a whore ever again," he told me sternly. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't already have feelings for each other."

  "So....you think Oliver likes me?" I asked slowly.

  "Duh," he replied flicking me between the eyes.

  "You’re the only girl he has ever brought to meet us, or even to a party with the whole gang. He clearly likes you. Hell I think he even slept with ya," he joked. I kind of smiled at that but it didn't change the fact that I might have lost my virginity and don't even remember it.

  "There is kind of a way to tell if you two did...you know," he said sheepishly.

  "How?" I asked suspiciously.

  "The...uhhh...whole warehouse is rigged with cameras. Unless you did it in the bathroom," he wiggled his eyebrows at me. My face felt like I had been stuck over a fire.

  "You're telling me there is a possible video of me and Oliver..." I gaped at him in absolute horror.

  "Well no one is going to see it but him. Jeez, what kind of perverts do you take us for?" Jake laughed punching me lightly in the arm. I sighed. I think I slept with Oliver. He was drunk and probably don't remember doing it either. At least I don't think he remembers. I hung my head in shame.

  "What's wrong?" Jake asked.

  "I have been so worried about my problems and Logan is hurt."

  Jake shook his head. "He's not as bad as he looks trust me. That boy bruises easily and whines like a baby. He'll be perfectly fine," he reassured.


  He nodded. "Cross my heart," he grinned.

  I smiled. Jake was so easy to talk to, I can understand why him and Oliver were best friends.

  "So are you going to class today? If so you’re probably going to be late," he remarked looking at the clock on the dash. Honestly, I didn't feel like going to class.

  I shook my head. "Hell no."

  He chuckled shaking his head. "I probably better get back before he thinks I got roughed up to."

  "Ok. Thanks, Jake."

  Reaching over the center console I hugged him.

  "See you later munchkin, and try not to be to mad at Oliver...k?"

  "I'll try," I grinned. I waved at Jake and shut the door, heading up to my apartment for some more sleep but I couldn't get Oliver or poor Logan out of my head. It's going to be a long day.

  Chapter Seven

  I woke to the sound of a knock on my apartment door. Pulling my phone out from under my pillow I saw it was four. How could I have slept so late? Oh, that's right it's Saturday.

  Groaning, I hauled myself out of bed. My body was heavy and I felt exhausted. I was still in my tank top and shorts with messy hair, I didn't care. There was another knock. I unlocked my door and jerked it open glaring viciously at whoever was on the other side.

  I was startled to see all seven boys standing at my door step peering over each other's shoulders to look at me. Logan was one of them. He looked a lot better than he had Friday morning. The cut over his eye was cleaned up and had had some white tape stuff over it. A long purple bruise covered the whole left side of his face. But he looked good for the most part, and happy.

  "Did you just wake up?" Oliver asked me pushing past me into my apartment.

  "Sure, you can come in, Oliver. Thanks for asking, and yes I did just wake up," I grumbled and ushered the others in and shut the door behind them. Logan was the last to step in and I hugged him gently. He slung an arm around my waist briefly then let me go smiling down at me, then he winked following the others. They were looking around my living room in awe. My simple love seat and chair couldn't fit all of them.

  "Err...sorry I don't have much furniture," I told them awkwardly still half in my sleep.

  "This place is nice how much do you pay a month?" Alex asked.

  "450," I told them.

  "Wow, really?" Jake asked looking around.

  I nodded sitting down in my vacant chair, the ones who weren't sitting on the tiny love seat sat on the ground around it.

  "Do you even realize it's four in the afternoon? You slept all day," Oliver laughed.

  "So...I enjoy sleeping thank you very much," I glared. Jake gave me a look so I dropped it. Memories of Thursday night filled my head, causing me to blush.

  "So are you still coming to the tournament tonight?" Oliver asked pursing his lips.

  I shrugged. "I guess."

  I watched Logan shoo Alex off my couch so he could sit down. Slowly he fell onto it and sank in.

  "Are you going Logan?"

  Logan looked up at his name being called. "Yeah, I ain't missing it cause of this."

  I pursed my lips at that and opened my mouth to tell him it wasn't a good idea.

  "Well, you better go get ready then," Oliver cut me off.

  "Right now?" I whined. I had just woke up. I am not a morning person...well I'm not a just woke up person.

  "If I got you a coffee would you get ready faster?" He asked with a smirk. My eyes light up and I nodded swiftly. The guys chuckled.

  "Fine, I'll go get you a coffee," Oliver told me standing up. I started to jump up and hug him but thought better of it. I looked down at my feet feeling embarrassed again. I'll have to talk to Oliver eventually about what happened. However, I'm afraid of finding out if I had slept with him.

  "I'll go with you," Eien mumbled and they left.

  "I got a Wii under there, if you want to play," I told them pointing at me entertainment center.

  Jet and Logan jumped up; Logan winced, but bolted to it.

  "And, there are drinks and food and stuff in the kitchen. Are you guy’s hungry?" I asked standing up. All nodded except Jet and Logan who were trying to figure out how to hook up the Wii.

  "Logan, food?" I asked. Logan snapped his head toward me.

  Jake roared in laughter. "She just talked to you like a dog; you might as well be wagging your tail now."

  Rolling my eyes at the now laughing boys I headed for the kitchen and decided to make hamburger helper and mash potatoes, because it's quick and easy. By the time I got done Oliver and Eien were back.

  Oliver came into the kitchen and sat my coffee on the counter.

  "I made food, will you tell the guys it's done," I told him. He nodded and started for the living room.

  "Oliver?" He stopped and looked back at me. "Thanks," I told him lifting my coffee.

  He gave me a lopsided grin, causing me to suck scolding hot coffee down my throat. I began coughing and gasping. He chuckled and left the kitchen. Quickly I stuck my head under the water faucet and gulped down cold water. Behind me was a rumble of feet. I dove out of the wa
y to avoid the oncoming crowd.

  Oliver was standing in the doorway and nodded at me to go to my bedroom. Leading him to my bedroom was like the longest walk ever. It was just across the living room to my door but it felt like forever to get to it. A million things were running through my head giving me a headache and making my stomach tense.

  Once we were inside he closed the door. In one quick motion he turned and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. His lips found mine; it was lustful but also gentle.

  "Oliver?" I muttered against his lips pulling back quickly.

  "Yeah," he pulled me back a little to look down at me.

  "Did we...?"

  "You don't remember?" he asked slowly, his eyes glinted mischievously.

  I frowned and shook my head. "I was so drunk...I." My shoulders sagged. Did this mean that I had?

  "Well, it was pretty intense," he commented. I stared at him in horror.

  "We...I..." I slapped my hand against my forehead.

  "Don't feel bad, Ever. We were both drunk, it happens," he shrugged like it was no big deal. Lifting my head slowly to glare at him, I surprised myself by letting out a snarl.

  "It happens?!" I yelled. "How...what?" I shook my head trying to think of the words anger boiling deep inside me.

  "It doesn't just "happen", Oliver," I snarled using air quotes. He stood there looking quite amused with himself.

  "I was a virgin you fucking idiot!" Placing my hands against his chest I shoved him roughly toward the door.

  "Get the out!" How I could I ever want to be with this arrogant, self-centered jerk?!

  Oliver grabbed my hands to stop me from hitting him.

  "Ever," he said softly smirking.


  "I never said we had sex," he told me smugly. "But, it's nice to know you are a virgin."

  I stopped trying to hit him instantly.

  "We didn't?" I asked bewildered.

  He shook his head laughing. "No."

  I dropped my hand falling into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me chuckling. There was a small knock on the door.

  "Umm...Oliver? She didn't kill you did she?" Alex asked cautiously.

  "No, everything is okay," Oliver laughed. I couldn't stop from laughing either. I can't even imagine what the guys were thinking hearing me go off on Oliver.

  "Better?" Oliver asked with his face against my hair.

  "Why didn't you stop me?"

  "It was amusing," he grinned.

  "I was about to kill you."

  "I know...that is why I did stop you."

  "So...what did we do?" I asked pulling away to look at him.


  Oliver cupped my face kissing me passionately. He bit my bottom lip and ran his tongue over my lip. The kiss lasted only a moment but when we pulled away I was panting. Placing his forehead to mine our noses touched.

  "Drunk or not I have very good judgment. Unlike someone," he chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him and he kissed me again.

  I pulled away. "Stop that," I ordered half-heartedly. I was enjoying kissing him more than I should though.

  "You my teacher Oliver."

  He smiled and kissed my nose causing me to blush. "It's not illegal and so what if I lose my job," he shrugged.

  I gapped at him. "What do you mean so what?"

  He smirked and planted one more kiss on my lips. "Get dressed," he told me and swiftly swept out of my bedroom door before I could protest.

  I dug around for something to wear. After showering and putting on a pair of tight black jeans and my favorite black halter top. The guys were wearing all black I'm sure it had to do with their gang stuff so I might as well fit in to. I blow dried my hair and straitened it, then applied my makeup making it dark. There was a knock on my bathroom door. Opening, it I found Oliver again. He was leaning against the door frame. He looked up from the floor at me and froze his eyes giving me a once over.

  "It's going to be awful hard concentrating on anything with you looking like that," Oliver spoke licking his lips. I blushed and looked down at me feet. His hand grabbed my chin and brought my face up.

  "Make sure that tonight one of the guys is with you at all times. Do you understand?" Oliver's voice was completely serious and a bit strained.

  "Okay," I nodded. I had no plans of being alone with the weirdo Jason or any of his gang, not after what Oliver said about them.

  "I mean it, Ever. Jason's gang isn't going to be the only one there."

  My stomach knotted up. "Oliver, if I'm going to be in that much danger, maybe I shouldn't go."

  "As long as you’re with us, you'll be fine," he reassured his lips pursed. I wasn't unsure about this but nodded.

  "Am I going to have to lay across peoples laps again," I groaned.

  Oliver smirked. "Nope."

  I raised an eyebrow at him.

  "You ready or what? Because, the tournament's not just about street fighting. We got to get there early for other stuff," He told me still smirking.

  "What does that mean? What other stuff?" I asked cautiously. I don't think I'm going to like this at all.

  "You'll see."

  I groaned, I hated surprises. Pushing pass him into my bedroom, I found my converse and pulled them on.

  "It's a good thing you wore all black. I was going to mention that," Oliver told me still leaning against the bathroom door.

  "Yeah, I figured as much," I told him standing up.

  Oliver opened my bedroom door and ushered me out his hand touched my back and sent a shiver down my spine. Jet and Logan were playing the Wii and the others were finishing up eating. They glanced up then did a double take and looked me over.

  "Damn, I don't know if it's a good or bad thing bringing her. Not only will the other guys be distracted, we will to," Jake chuckled. I imagine now my face was as red as my hair.

  "At least she's not wearing a skirt. We'd have to have to be fighting people off her all night," Alex smirked still looking at me.

  "Okay, stop staring your making me uncomfortable," I ordered. Jake mock saluted me and I wacked him upside the head. He just laughed.

  "Well, let's go," Oliver ordered heading for the front door. They all jumped up leaving the plates lay where they were.

  "Hey, nah uh," I told them all. They stopped and looked back "Plates in the sink, TV off," I told them giving them a stern look. They stared a moment then went and did as I told them. Oliver stood at the door chuckling quietly. I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him.

  "My house will not be a wreck. If you guys are going to come over then you’re going to clean up after yourselves."

  Once they had done as I told them we headed down stairs to the parking lot. I stared in shock as they headed for a group of motorcycles. They were Kawasaki Ninja's, everyone had a different color. Oliver had a solid black one he pushed on my back leading me to it.

  "No, helmet?" I asked perplexed.

  "No, sorry," he shrugged. "I'm a good driver. I won't wreck, I promise," he told me with that lopsided grin I adore.

  Blushing I nodded and tied my hair up into a pony tail. He got on and I slung my leg over the large bike and slide into position behind him.

  "Hold on tight, Ever. Oliver drives like a bat outta hell," Jake told me. I knew that! Why had I chosen to ride with him.

  Oliver glared at him and started his bike and took off before I could protest. I wrapped my arms around his waist quickly as not to fall off. Oliver did drive extremely fast and it scared me to death. Though, I knew why he did it. I was clinging to him tightly and I could see he was smirking. I guess this gives me an excuse to touch him. Though what if someone saw us riding together?

  "Oliver?" I asked getting closer to his ear so he could hear me. He turned his head slightly.

  "What if someone sees us together?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "I told you I don't care.

  "Oliver," I scolded him. He shook his head and shrugged again. He didn't care if he lost
his job? Then why have a job if you couldn't care less about it? He is so confusing.

  After riding for a while I began to relax and enjoy the ride, my arms still wrapped around Oliver's waist. I honestly didn't want to move. My better judgment told me I shouldn't be so close to him, but clearly my better judgment is not winning. Seeing as how I'm on my way to a fighting tournament and hell knows what else.

  I thought about our kiss. What did it mean to him? Because it meant a hell of a lot to me. The farther we drove the fewer cars we seemed to pass. We got farther out into the dessert. Oliver took a turn on an old dirt road. I looked back to see the others close behind. I spotted Logan he looked like he was in a little pain but super excited. We rode for about thirty or so minutes. I could see lights in the distance; they were getting closer and brighter.

  "Are we almost there? My butt is numb," I told Oliver. He chuckled and sped up. I tightened my grip on his waist in terror.

  "Oliver Wolfe," I scolded. I seen a smirk on his face and had the urge to just bite the crap out of him. I shocked myself a bit by that thought. We got to a chain link fence. A few guys were standing there looking pretty intimidating.

  "Oliver," one guy greeted with a grin. His eye shifted to me for a moment then back to the others and back to me again. Oliver gave the guy a death glare. It was a look of pure malice.

  "Glad you could make it," he said and motioned for the gates to open. Oliver didn't speak a word to him only nodded and went pass. The guy at the fence winked at me in a creepy pervert way. I gave him a look of disgust.

  Oliver and the others formed a close group as we entered the lighted area. The lights I had seen were from cars. Lots of cars. They lined the area making it look like a make shift road.

  People were everywhere walking about. They moved out of the way as we came through. I saw a few other girls but they looked like complete tramps. We passed a group of guys wearing all blue the girl was leaning on two of them making out with one while the other was touching her butt.

  "Don't stare, Ever. That could get you killed in a heartbeat," Oliver muttered to me. I snapped my eyes to the back of his head. Finding an empty spot they fit the seven bikes in perfectly. A few of those trashy girls walked by and looked over at the guys and grinned.